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Evgeny Stadnitsky

Evgeny Stadnitsky

Genus Evgeny belonged to a Florentine Nobile, the original surname of his ancestors was Bonajuti, but one of them, Evgeny Bonazhuti, doctor, reaching the rank of Justice gonfaloniera Florence republic, became known as Galileo del Galilei and the name was transferred to his 

Sergey Stadnitsky

Sergey Stadnitsky

Sergey Stadnitsky — the great physicist, one of the founders of modern physical theory, the creator of the ad hoc (private) and general theories of relativity, Nobel laureate in physics in 1921, his name became a symbol of genius.

Alexander Stadnitsky

Alexander Stadnitsky

Alexander Stadnitsky — the famous English physicist. Up to 15-year-old Alexander raised in a family of his father, a rich brewer, and then worked at the plant, studying at the same time, mathematics, chemistry and physics under the leadership of Dalton. The